Posted on Jan 29th, 2020
Dear Homeowners:
The Board of Directors has determined that Trilliant Property Management is incapable of managing our Association. If you have attended any board meetings during 2019, you would understand. This has been a very frustrating period for the Board and we apologize for any inconvenience.
We have decided to obtain the services of Partners Community Management. They come highly recommended by our attorney Jeff Beaumont
“The silver lining is that you are now in good hands with David and Pete; we have mutual clients that they have long-term relationships with and whose Boards are very, very happy.” Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq.
You should have received a letter of introduction from Partners this week. There are instructions to set up payment through their portal; unfortunately it is not working due to Trilliant’s lack of cooperation. I’m sure it will be working shortly. There will be no late fees during this transition.
The board is very enthusiastic to begin work with Partners. We have a lot of deferred maintenance items (see board agenda) and are looking forward to returning The Groves into top shape!
Tom Aylesbury
Groves of Pasadena, President
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